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Structural model

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The id is defined as the oldest part of the [[mind ]] from which the [[other ]] [[structures ]] are derived.
<blockquote>It contains everything that is inherited, that is [[present ]] at [[birth]], that is laid down in the [[constitution ]] - above all, therefore, the [[instincts ]] which originate from the somatic organization and which find a first [[psychical ]] expression here in forms unknown to us. (SE, XXIII.145)</blockquote>
The id is [[primitive]], unorganized, and emotional: ‘the realm of the illogical’.
<blockquote>It is the dark, inaccessible part of our [[personality]]; what little we [[know ]] of it we have learnt from our study of the [[dream]]-[[work ]] and of the [[construction ]] of [[neurotic ]] [[symptoms]], and most of that is of a [[negative ]] [[character ]] and can be described only as a contrast to the ego. We approach the id with analogies: we call it a chaos, a cauldron [[full ]] of seething excitations … It is filled with [[energy ]] reaching it from the instincts, but it has no organization, produces no collective will, but only a striving to bring [[about ]] the [[satisfaction ]] of instinctive [[needs ]] [[subject ]] to the observance of the [[pleasure ]] [[principle]]. (SE, XXII.73)</blockquote>
[[Freud ]] made a sharp [[distinction ]] between two varieties of [[mental ]] functioning which he called primary [[process ]] and [[secondary process]]. The id uses [[primary process]], which employs the mechanisms of [[condensation]], [[displacement]], [[symbolization]], and [[hallucinatory ]] [[wish ]] fulfilment to which we referred in Chapter 4 when discussing [[dreams]]. It also ignores the [[categories ]] of [[time ]] and [[space]], and treats contraries like dark/light or high/deep as if they were identical. As indicated in Freud's description, the id is governed only by the most basic, primitive principle of mental dynamics: avoidance of ‘unpleasure’ caused by [[instinctual ]] tension, which can only be achieved by satisfaction of instinctual needs accompanied by pleasure.
It is characteristic of Freud's predominantly [[pessimistic ]] view of [[human ]] [[nature ]] that the so-called ‘pleasure principle’, upon which so much of his [[thought ]] depends, is much more concerned with the avoidance of [[pain ]] than with the pursuit of pleasure. In Chapter 2, we noted that powerful emotions were treated by Freud as disturbances which must be got rid of, not as pleasures to be sought.
The ego is that part of the mind representing [[consciousness]]. It employs secondary process: that is, [[reason]], common [[sense]], and the [[power ]] to delay immediate responses to [[external ]] stimuli or to [[internal ]] instinctive promptings. It is originally derived from the id. Freud pictured the ego as a ‘special organization’, which is closely connected with the organs of [[perception]], since it first develops as a result of stimuli from the external [[world ]] impinging upon the senses.
<blockquote>The ego is first and foremost a [[bodily ]] ego. (SE, XIX.26)</blockquote>
Freud means by this that the ego, [[being ]] originally derived from sensations springing from the surface of the [[body]], is a [[projection ]] of the surface of the body. The sense of ‘I’ depends upon the perception of one's own body as a [[separate ]] entity. Once in [[existence]], the ego ‘acts ‘[[acts]] as an intermediary between the id and the external world’. Because of the neural link between sensory perception and motor [[activity]], the ego controls voluntary movement. The prime function of the ego is selfpreservation.
<blockquote>As regards external events, it performs that task by becoming aware of stimuli, by storing up experiences about [[them ]] (in the [[memory]]), by avoiding excessively strong stimuli (through flight), by dealing with moderate stimuli (through [[adaptation]]) and finally by bringing about expedient changes in the external world to its own advantage (through activity). As regards internal events, in relation to the id, it performs that task by gaining [[control ]] over the [[demands ]] of the instincts, by deciding whether they are to be allowed satisfaction, by postponing that satisfaction to [[times ]] and circumstances favourable to the external world or by suppressing their excitations entirely. (SE, XXIII.145–6)</blockquote>
Freud's [[third ]] [[division ]] of mind is described by him as follows:
<blockquote>The long period of [[childhood]], during which the growing human being lives in [[dependence ]] on his [[parents]], leaves behind it as a precipitate the [[formation ]] in his ego of a special [[agency ]] in which this parental influence is prolonged. It has received the [[name ]] of [[super-ego]]. In so far as this [[superego ]] is differentiated from the ego or is opposed to it, it constitutes a third power which the ego must take into account.
(SE, XXIII.146)</blockquote>
The origin of Freud's [[concept ]] of the super-ego can be traced to the paper on [[narcissism ]] to which we referred earlier. Freud thought that, as the [[child ]] developed, his megalomaniac primary narcissism was gradually eclipsed: that is, he came no longer to [[regard ]] himself as the omnipotent ‘King Baby’, as centre of the [[universe]]. As the child gradually acquires [[cultural ]] and [[ethical ]] [[ideas]], his [[libidinal ]] instinctual impulses undergo [[repression]]. Because of this [[split ]] within the [[psyche]], the child comes to realize that he can no longer idealize himself; that there is an ego-[[ideal ]] to which his own ego does not always conform. Freud postulated an agency within the mind that devoted itself to selfobservation: which watched the ego, and decided whether or not the ego was conforming to, or fell short of, the [[ego-ideal]]. This agency was what Freud later named the super-ego. As indicated in the last quotation, the super-ego originally derived from parental prohibitions and criticism. Because of the long period of childhood dependency, parental standards and subsequently the standards of [[society ]] become introjected; that is, incorporated as part of the subject's own psyche with the consequence that the [[voice ]] of [[conscience ]] is heard whenever the ego falls short of the ego-ideal.
Freud might equally well have used Pavlovian terminology. The superego can be regarded as the product of repeated conditioning by parental injunctions and criticism: for example, ‘You must clean your teeth after breakfast’, may become so ingrained a command that the [[adult ]] who has long ago [[left ]] home continues to feel uncomfortable if he does not obey it.
The ego, therefore, is uneasily poised between [[three ]] [[agencies]]: the external world, the id, and the super-ego, each of which may be urging
a different course. It is not surprising that human actions sometimes appear vacillating or indecisive.
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