Jacques Lacan:Seminars

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Book Year Title Cover
I 1953-4 Freud's papers on technique.
II 1954-5 The ego in Freud's theory and in the technique of psychoanalysis.
III 1955-6 The psychoses.
IV 1956-7 Object relations.
V 1957-8 The formations of the unconscious.
VI 1958-9 Desire and its interpretation.
VII 1959-60 The ethics of psychoanalysis.
VIII 1960-1 Transference.
IX 1961-2 Identification.
X 1962-3 Anxiety.
XI 1964 The four fundamental concepts of psychoanalysis.
XII 1964-5 Crucial problems for psychoanalysis.
XIII 1965-6 The object of psychoanalysis.
XIV 1966-7 The logic of fantasy.
XV 1967-8 The psychoanalytic act.
XVI 1968-9 From one other to the Other.
XVII 1969-70 The reverse of psychoanalysis.
XVIII 1970-1 On a discourse that would not be semblance.
XIX 1971-2 . . . Or worse.
XX 1972-3 Encore.
XXI 1973-4 The non-duped err/The names of the father.
XXII 1974-5 RSI.
XXIII 1975-6 The sinthome.
XXIV 1976-7 One knew that it was a mistaken moon on the wings of love.
XXV 1977-8 The moment of concluding.
XXVI 1978-9 Topology and time.
XVII 1980 Dissolution.