Variantes de la cure-type

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28 1955 (40 pp.)-VARIANTES DE LA CURE TYPE (VARIATIONS OF THE TYPICAL THERAPY) Lacan wrote this article for the Encylopedie Medico-Chirurgicale, at H. Ey's request. He denounced the notion of typical therapy defended by the S.P.P. In 1960 the article was removed from the encylopedia, under the pressure of "a certain majority defined by our critique," he said in Ecrits. Indeed, using an investigation conducted by Glover in England (1934), he violently de�nounced those who were "screens of nullity," incapable of spreading the truth of psychoanalysis outside the official circles because it was misunderstood inside the official societies. Against "their practical formalism," he claimed Ferenczi and his "psychoanalytic elasticity" as his authority, and he ulti�mately argued for "a theoretical formalization" that alone could be the guar�antor of the "ethical rigor" that separates psychoanalysis from psychotherapy. For the first time, he expressed a certain distrust before any innovation "mo�tivated by recovery." Seminaire /I (27), with the Schema L .• required that, for the psychoanalyst, "the ego be absent." Here, it is enough that "the mirages of his narcissism have become transparent to him," so as to make him "permeable to the speech of the other." Everything takes place in language, including "the drives discovered in analysis according to the vicissitudes of logical substitu�tions, in their source, their direction, their object." But what is speech? Since Le My the du nevrose (22) reference to Heidegger was constant. Lacan kept referring to him, in spite of Hyppolite who did not recognize in the philoso�pher "the symbolic abolition" and the "inaugural assertion" that Lacan saw in him linking the symbolic order and the death instinct (27). There is already an indication of the famous expression, "there is no metalanguage," in the ·h· 1158 DOS S I E R following lIeideggerian tones: "No concept gives us the meaning of speech, not even the concept of the concept, for speech is not the meaning of meaning, but it gives its support to meaning in the symbol which it embodies through its act." Then, at the origin, is there language as system or is there speech? Besides, the end of the analysis, defined as the subjectivation of one own's death, refers back to the philosopher's "being-for-death." What is the psy�choanalyst's knowledge? ... A learned ignorance. What about his tech�nique? ... It is "the only one that is appropriate to my personality" -others may prefer to make other arrangements concerning their patients ...